Import Google Calendar events as time entries.
Teamdeck allows importing Google Calendar Events into timesheets to automatically fill in the time spent on meetings and calendar events.
The import functionality automatically matches Teamdeck projects with the events if the project name phrase is present either in the title of the event or in the description.
To automatically fill in tags for imported time entries add tags to the description of the event ie. tag #meeting will pull Meeting tag if such a tag is added into the organization timesheet tags in Settings -> Advanced -> Timesheets. Read more about the tags here.
The event description is added as the time entry description.
Import Google Calendar events.
1. Click on the Import time entries from the Google Calendar button from the top right corner of the Calendar view
2. Authorize Teamdeck app to allow reading events from your Google Calendar
3. Select the date range at the top of the import preview table you want to cover in the import process and check/uncheck the events you want to import into timesheets
4. Select the Projects that should be matched with the events Fill in the required columns
5. Click the Start Import button