Advice and answers from the Teamdeck Team

Joanna Lesiewicz
Written by Joanna Lesiewicz


Adjust your reports with different data display & filtering options

Every type of data display that you add to your report comes with options. Some display types have more options than others; see the breakdown below for more details:

1. Metrics (available for Tables, Line Charts, and Bar Charts)

Here, you can select the data you want to see in your report. The primary categories are Bookings, Timesheets, Availability, Holidays, Vacations, Custom fields and tags. Select the relevant ones and click Apply.

You can also click Add Custom and choose between:

  • Add custom values column - this allows you to add a field that is not present anywhere in the app. A good example would be your team’s hourly rate, which you could use to calculate your income. Name your field and pick the data format in which it should be displayed. If you’re adding a rate field, you will select a currency.

    Click save and apply. You will see a new column with empty, undefined values in each row. You can edit this column by entering the correct value into each field. Click on the plus sign next to the field you’re filling out and drag it to populate multiple fields with the same value. 

Note: You can display custom values in line and bar charts, but the values have to be entered in a table first. 

  • Add custom calculation field - you can use different datasets (both the default values and the custom values described above) to perform calculations that will be displayed in your report. Let’s say you want to calculate your company’s profit from a given project.

    To create such a calculation click Add custom calculation field, name it, pick an appropriate data format (you would choose the currency in this scenario), and type the formula that should be used to calculate your value. If you want to come up with the profit, you will multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours in the timesheets.

    You can make use of 30+ built-in functions to create more complex formulas. Learn more about these functions here.

2. Filters (available for Tables, Line Charts, Bar Charts and Pie Charts)

Filters allow you to drill down your data. You can define them by clicking on Add filter and selecting the appropriate criteria. Say you want to analyze only some of the projects your team is working on. You can pick projects from the list of available filters and then type the names of the projects you want to display. When you’re done configuring your filters, click Apply

Note: You can filter your reports by custom fields like job title, seniority or location. Learn more about setting up custom fields here. You’re also able to use booking tags as filters to distinguish, for example, billable hours from the non-billable ones.

You can remove a filter by clicking the trash bin icon. 

3. Grouping (available for Tables)

This is where you sort the data in your tables to reflect what you want to analyze. You can drag and drop data blocks to reorder them. Add new ones by dragging them from the side section to your structure.

4. Settings (available for Line Charts, Bar Charts and Pie Charts)

There are different types of settings for different charts:

Line Chart:

  • Grouped by allows you to decide what should be the category your chart is divided by. 

  • Sort your data from A to Z or the other way round.

  • Select one of the timeline metrics to set the way the data is displayed. You can either see your data week by week, day by day etc. or use cumulated time metrics to see how a given value increased over time. This would be a great idea if you want to analyze billable hours in your projects and check if you’re not at risk of going over budget. 

  • Pick the Curve of your line chart that best illustrates the data.

Bar Chart:

  • Group your chart by different categories. You can do it on two levels: the first level would be the main category (e.g. projects) and the second level allows you to display additional data within the main category. If you choose people as your second level grouping you will see a chart with bars assigned to different projects and, additionally, people within these projects as well.

  • Sort your data from A to Z or the other way round.

  • The bars in your chart can be either grouped side by side or stacked on top of each other.

  • Pick a vertical or horizontal layout for your bars. 

Pie Chart:

  • Since pie charts don’t have the Metrics option, you have to select your base data here. You can pick one of the basic metrics available in the app or the custom values and formulas created in the table. 

  • Pick a metric that your pie chart will display: percentage, time units or fractions.

  • Decide what your chart should be grouped by. If you want to see how much time is spent on each project, pick timesheet: hours as your base data and projects in the grouped by section. 

5. More options

They are the same for each type of data display. You can use them to reorder your report (click move up or move down) or to remove sections of your report by clicking delete

When you’re done configuring your report, click save.

Learn more about using teamdeck's reports to your company's benefit:
